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Warning Signs That You are Not in Control of Your Life givelp



Feeling like we have lost control and no longer have power over our lives can be a terrifying and common experience. Sometimes, we may feel like mere bystanders, being swept away by overwhelming circumstances that leave us feeling powerless.

It’s not uncommon to feel like external factors such as work, relationships, or friendships are controlling us. So, how do we regain a sense of control?

Being in control of our own lives means taking charge of the aspects within our reach. While we can’t control everything, we can change how we react, think, choose who we let in, and what influences we allow to govern us. Often, we underestimate the power certain things hold over us!

By asserting ourselves in this way, we declare that we are the ones steering the ship. This realization begins with truly believing that we are, indeed, in control!

Once we start believing that we are capable, everything else becomes inconsequential.

Signs You Are Not in Control:

1. You are constantly complaining.

2. You feel a constant sense of boredom.

3. You talk yourself out of commitments.

4. Your relationships feel out of place.

5. You are constantly glued to your phone.

1. You are constantly complaining.

Consistent complaining indicates underlying issues in your life, whether it’s an unpleasant boss, draining friendships, or controlling family members. These factors are clearly bothering you, but are you taking any action to address them?

Ask yourself:

– Am I actively trying to change the situation?

– Am I taking steps to improve it?

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– Or am I simply complaining?

It can be challenging, but realizing that you have the power to make a change is crucial. Taking even small steps towards improving a situation signifies that you are not letting it control you.

Instead of getting stuck in a cycle of self-pity when you catch yourself complaining, shift your focus to finding ways to improve the situation.

2. You feel a constant sense of boredom.

Perpetual boredom suggests a lack of excitement or passion in your life. You may feel dissatisfied with the direction your life is heading. How can you reverse this?

Ask yourself:

– Am I prioritizing activities I love?

– Am I pursuing my dreams?

– Have I neglected activities that bring me joy?

– Did work consume me to the point where I forgot to make time for things I enjoy?

Simple pleasures like heartfelt conversations with friends, listening to favorite songs, or dining at beloved spots can bring happiness. While maintaining a routine is beneficial for structure, it’s essential to allocate time for activities that bring you joy simply because you want to, not out of obligation. Investing time in your hobbies or interests can make a significant difference.

Reconnecting with activities you enjoy can reignite your enthusiasm and lead to a happier state. By taking control of the elements that contribute to your happiness and well-being, you empower yourself.

3. You talk yourself out of commitments.

If you struggle to uphold commitments, it can undermine your sense of control. Difficulty in committing to tasks may make you feel undisciplined.

Begin by evaluating the importance you place on commitments, whether it’s meeting a friend, attending a family gathering, or honoring work obligations. Recognizing a lack of commitment is the first step.

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Once you acknowledge this, you can work towards improvement. Start your day by listing tasks you want to accomplish and follow through on them. This practice cultivates a sense of responsibility that evolves into a committed mindset.

Committing to various aspects of your life can instill a sense of control.

4. Your relationships feel out of place.

Struggling to maintain relationships that feel off-kilter can be emotionally taxing. This may stem from a failure to set boundaries and express concerns. Neglecting to establish boundaries can compromise your emotional well-being.

Reflect on why you hesitate to set boundaries. Asserting your boundaries is not about hurting others but about safeguarding your emotional health. Communicating your boundaries enhances your happiness and self-worth.

We all deserve respect in our relationships. Without boundaries, we can’t truly control our lives or foster mutual respect and love in our relationships.

5. You are constantly glued to your phone.

Being excessively absorbed in social media can have detrimental effects. Unaware of how much influence social media wields over us, we may struggle to limit its impact.

It’s essential to monitor the time spent on social media and assess its negative effects. Ask yourself:

– Am I comparing myself to others online?

– Does my online presence define my life?

– Do I seek validation solely through social media?

– Am I spending excessive time on social platforms?

While using social media is normal, allowing it to consume your thoughts excessively poses a concern.

Set limits on your social media usage and focus on enjoying your day without feeling the need to document every moment online. This shift can foster a healthier mindset.

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Change Begins with You

We wield control over many aspects of our lives without realizing it. The media we consume, the people we interact with, the activities we engage in, how we manage our time, and our self-perception all shape our reality. Consistently exposing yourself to positive influences can transform your mindset.

For instance, starting your day with positive affirmations can impact your thoughts. Being mindful of what you expose yourself to daily is crucial. Change commences with you; to feel in control of your life, you must affirm it, believe it, and take action!


Erin shows overscheduled, overwhelmed women how to do less so that they can achieve more. Traditional productivity books—written by men—barely touch the tangle of cultural pressures that women feel when facing down a to-do list. How to Get Sh*t Done will teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life where you want to excel, and then it will show you how to off-load, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.
