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Topdown tactical shooter Intravenous 2 now has Steam Workshop support and a map editor



Topdown tactical shooter Intravenous 2 now has Steam Workshop support and a map editor

Intravenous 2 is a topdown shooter that has been gaining attention since its release last year. It combines tactical stealth with the frenetic gameplay of Hotline Miami. Recently, the game received a major update that includes Steam Workshop support and a map editor.

The Steam Workshop allows players to download and share maps, campaigns, new weapons, and gadgets that they have created for the game. While modders will need to be familiar with Lua scripting to implement changes, the map editor is user-friendly with its 2D tile-based levels.

Unlike other topdown games inspired by Hotline Miami, Intravenous 2 focuses on tactical elements. Players can choose to stealth their way through levels by utilizing vision cones, hiding in shadows, and manipulating the environment by turning off lights, lockpicking doors, or using distractions.

The game also offers customization options for skills and weaponry, with 29 weapons available for modification. Players can add suppressors, laser sights, and different ammo types to enhance their gameplay experience.

One of the standout features of Intravenous 2 is its dynamic storyline that adapts based on the player’s style of play. This adds a layer of replayability and personalization to the game, making it appealing to fans of stealth and tactical combat games.

While I have yet to find time to play Intravenous 2, I appreciate the addition of mod support. In my opinion, all games should offer mod support to enhance the gaming experience. For more information, you can visit the game’s page on Steam.

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