Prepare for war in the latest trailer for Marvel Studios’ Captain America: Brave New World. “The country needs Captain America,” President Thaddeus Ross, played by Harrison...
The Tragic Story of C.L. Daniel, a Victim of the Tulsa Race Massacre The remains of a teenager killed during the Tulsa Race Massacre 103 years...
It’s time to celebrate as the interstellar pilots of Elite Dangerous have successfully defeated the alien threat. The galaxy-sized multiplayer space sim witnessed the final battle...
At a glance Expert’s Rating Our Verdict The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is a nostalgic expansion of Middle-Earth, presented in a...
A new Lord of the Rings movie in 2024? It’s more likely than you think. The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim opens...
In this frame grab from a video, Russians, Syrians and others gather next to an American military convoy stuck in the village of Khirbet Ammu, east...
Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with the Ministry of Defence leadership, representatives of the defense industry, and missile systems developers in Moscow, Russia, on...
There is a new battleground in the election: TikTok. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are trying to increase their presence on the platform to reach...
Britain’s former Prime Minister David Cameron. File | Photo Credit: Reuters Former British Prime Minister David Cameron stated on Monday (October 21, 2024) that India has...
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with heads of leading media outlets from the BRICS member countries in Moscow Region, Russia on October 18, 2024....