Last year, one of the biggest sporting series of the 90s made a triumphant return. Season 1 of BBC’s Gladiators embraced the fanfare, lycra and insane...
The US-favorite reality show’s second season concluded in March 2024, leaving fans eager for more plots, betrayals, and mysteries. Fortunately, the next installment of The Traitors...
Animation studio Science Saru has unveiled a new trailer for their SANDA anime, which is based on the popular manga series of the same name by...
Animation studio Elias has unveiled the initial trailer for the anime adaptation of Yandere Dark Elf, offering a glimpse into the upcoming series along with its...
Rec Room Introduces New Mini-Game ‘Run the Block’ Rec Room is full of first-party adventures you can play with friends and randos alike. The social VR...
Satelight and Staple Entertainment shared a new trailer for their Ubel Blatt anime alongside revealing a key visual for the new series, and more. The third...
During The Game Awards, genDesign, the studio founded by Fumito Ueda, known for creating iconic games like ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Guardian,...
Disney is kicking off 2025 with a touch of horror. In January, the second season of Goosebumps, based on the popular children’s books by R. L....
The Mafia social media account hinted at their presence at The Game Awards, and they delivered. The new trailer, which had some leaks earlier today, revealed...
COLD VR Set to Release on Quest and PC VR Headsets in January 2025 COLD VR, a spiritual successor to long-time hit SUPERHOT VR (2016), is officially headed...