Long ago in the ancient times known as the Before Times, a mysterious event sent several experienced BioWare developers across the heavens. These developers descended upon...
In October 2024, as I was getting ready for a trip to Hawaii, a major issue arose: my UK SIM card in my phone was not...
Indie developer rokaplay have announced a firmer release window for Sugardew Island, their Harvest Moon-inspired farming life game. Sugardew Island is set to launch sometime in...
A popular bridge-building puzzle sandbox game is set to launch on Quest this week, offering a wide range of challenges in virtual and mixed reality on...
Publisher Playtonic Friends and developer Castle Pixel released an open beta for Cattle Country, their cozy cowboy life simulation game. Cattle Country is running an open beta for...
Back from the other world, I missed love is an upcoming FMV (Full-Motion Video) dating simulator from Japanese developer Daiyon no Kabe (lit. Fourth Wall). Players...
Farm life simulation game My Time At X is set to release its third installment. My Time At Evershine will include more farming, romance, combat, and...
Unfortunately, fans of Tales of the Shire: A Lord of the Rings Game will have to wait a little longer for its release. Private Division and...
NetEase Games has revealed Floatopia, a brand new free-to-play life simulation game that takes place on floating islands for both PC and consoles. Floatopia is currently...
Baroque wilderness-builder Nightingale has faced some criticism since Ed Thorn labeled the early access version as “a numbers grind disguised as a gaslamp survival game”. Despite...