Current artificial intelligence (AI) models accessible in the public domain are criticized for their failure to capture the “complexities and nuances of the past,” providing instead...
Back in 2015, a cheerful three-foot-tall robot armed with pool noodles embarked on what appeared to be a straightforward journey. HitchBOT, as it was called, aimed...
Commuters drive past an anti-Israel billboard covering the facade of a building in Tehran on October 26, 2024. | Photo Credit: AFP An American researcher said...
In context: Radio waves from distant galaxies are too faint to provide meaningful data for potential space observations. However, a sufficiently advanced alien civilization could harness...
64 Security researchers have demonstrated a new threat for Microsoft Windows users that may make every system vulnerable. Named ‘Downgrade attacks,’ the attacks exploit two zero-day...
Interested in participating in research? The studies listed here are conducted by researchers in the behavioral and cognitive sciences. Prior to participating in any project, ensure...