56 After facing criticism over privacy concerns, Microsoft has made significant improvements to its Windows Recall feature, now offering it as an opt-in feature. Users now...
Renowned tech entrepreneur Pavel Durov, originally from Russia, has made a name for himself by creating popular social networks and a cryptocurrency, accumulating a vast fortune,...
24 Amidst concerns regarding privacy issues surrounding Google’s Gemini AI assistant on Android devices, the tech giant has announced plans to address these concerns. Google intends...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way organizations operate by utilizing vast amounts of personal data to make intelligent decisions. However, this incredible potential raises concerns...
30 After significant progress with Privacy Sandbox, Google has decided to make changes to its approach towards third-party cookies. Recently disclosed information reveals that Google plans...
Apple Intelligence is Apple’s new take on AI, aiming to revolutionize the way we interact with technology by integrating advanced machine learning and AI capabilities into...
Key Takeaways EU voting on proposal to scan encrypted messages for CSEM. Regulations could remove the privacy benefits of encryption. There are concerns about false reports,...