UPDATE (19/09/24, 10:00 AM BST): Pocketpair has issued a statement on the lawsuit filing via Palworld’s official Twitter account. It reads as follows: “Yesterday, a lawsuit...
If you enjoy watching top Pokemon trainers from around the world compete, you’ll be pleased to know that the dates for the World Championships have...
Water Pokemon are beloved by all trainers. Whether it’s the elegant Vaporeon, majestic Lapras, or powerful Blastoise – the superior starter choice – having a water-type...
The iconic bike theme song from Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow is undeniably catchy. It’s not just nostalgia speaking, it’s a fact. While advancements in technology...
When comparing the original Pokemon games to newer ones, despite their smaller scale and less advanced technology, the older games were much less linear. These games...
One of the spookiest places in the entire Pokemon franchise is the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town, where trainers lay the spirits of their departed Pokemon...
One of the most memorable dungeons in Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow is the Rocket Game Corner, where the otherwise unassuming arcade is secretly run by...
Snorlax is undeniably one of the best Generation 1 Pokemon designs. With great base stats and a strong move pool, it makes for a fantastic team...
Cut is not just the first hidden machine you gain access to in Pokemon Red and Blue, but one of the handiest. It allows your Pokemon...
Pokemon is one of the few game franchises where fast-travel actually makes sense. Rather than teleporting instantly to where you need to go faster than you...