Animation studio Science Saru has unveiled a new trailer for their SANDA anime, which is based on the popular manga series of the same name by...
Bizarre and personal photos of ousted Syrian President Bashar Assad have been uncovered from his abandoned residences, causing amusement among Syrians who were previously punished for...
Several European countries, including Britain, Germany, France, and Italy, have decided to freeze all pending asylum requests from Syrians following the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad...
After a tremendous start to the season, the Winnipeg Jets are now struggling in the NHL. Coming back from a six-game road trip, Winnipeg suffered a...
Have you heard about the October Theory Challenge for teenagers on TikTok this autumn? The challenge is akin to setting New Year’s resolutions—it encouraged social media...
Noah Hanifin had a pair of goals as the Vegas Golden Knights won their first road game of the season, coming from behind to shock the...
After allowing 14 goals in the last two games, just a not embarrassing game would be a moral victory for the Montreal Canadiens on Saturday night....
“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s...
TORONTO – Craig Berube ran a gauntlet of emotions Thursday morning. The Maple Leafs head coach was poised to face the St. Louis Blues — the...
After one of the worst performances in Martin St. Louis’ tenure on Thursday night against the Los Angeles Kings, the Montreal Canadiens looked to recover from...