After years of franchise development and many new films, the universe of space robots has returned to its roots. The animated Transformers One takes viewers to...
The wait is almost over – the second standalone movie about Joker will open in worldwide theatres this Friday. Joker: Folie à Deux premiered at this...
Exciting news for Tim Burton fans – the master of comedic gothic tales has returned with a new movie featuring the mischievous ghost Betelgeuse. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice...
Borderlands has emerged as one of the most eccentric movies of the year, competing with The Crow for that title. Despite being an adaptation of the...
Lionsgate has had a disappointing summer, with both Borderlands and The Crow failing to impress audiences. The Crow, a remake of a cult classic from the...
It has been seven years since the last Xenomorph franchise installment was released. Alien: Covenant was not well-received, causing Hollywood to lose some faith in the...
1996’s Twister, starring Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton, was a huge success that mesmerized the audience with its stunning portrayal of storms. It took 28 years...
Marvel Jesus is officially coming as Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, is gearing up to save the MCU with his third movie. Joined by his...
John Krasinki’s A Quiet Place was released in 2018 and kickstarted a series of horror films centered around sound-sensitive creatures from outer space. In this world,...