The O’Donnell family, who trained Ripken The Bat Dog, announced the passing of the black Labrador known for fetching bats and football kicking tees at sporting...
A tragic incident occurred at Frankie’s Fun Park in South Carolina, resulting in the death of a 17-year-old employee named Kamel Seveion Sewell. The young worker...
Sebastian Aho scored the overtime winner and added an assist as the Carolina Hurricanes mounted a third period comeback to defeat the Edmonton Oilers 3-2 on...
One South Carolina county has decided to remove the manga Assassination Classroom from school libraries following a complaint from a parent. Jennifer Hannigan of Horry County...
Terrifying footage captured the sound of apocalyptic sirens blaring as Hurricane Helene’s violent floodwaters devastated a North Carolina village. The shocking video shows a powerful wave...