Shigeru Sagazaki’s popular light novel From Old Country Bumpkin to Master Swordsman is set to be adapted into a full TV anime series by the creators of...
South Korean developer Gentlemaniac, who are made up of former Last Origin staff, have announced Horizon Walker, their new semi-real-time and turn-based strategy game with lots of fanservice....
Publisher Playism and Taiwanese developer Crimson Dusk have unveiled a gameplay trailer for Homura Hime, their anime-inspired 3D action game. Here is an overview of the...
The romantic comedy Senpai wa Otoko no Ko (Senpai is an Otokonoko) is set to premiere on July 4th, featuring a love triangle between a guy,...
If you are a fan of anime or video games, at some point, you have seen someone in cosplay or at a convention and thought to...