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Remove Resistance and Reframe your StressPick the Brain



If you find yourself feeling trapped in a difficult situation, it’s time to take a step back and reassess. Whether it’s a challenging relationship, a frustrating job, or overwhelming stress, it’s important to recognize that the source of your distress is not the present moment but rather your resistance to it.

Instead of fixating on a future where things remain the same or get worse, focus on the present moment. Stress arises from the belief that there is no end in sight, creating anxiety about what’s to come.

To address your stress, ask yourself where the misery truly exists. Is it in the present moment or in your projected future? By shifting your attention to the sensations in your body and acknowledging your resistance to the present moment, you can begin to alleviate stress.

Here are three strategies to reframe your stress:

1. Acknowledge your resistance to the present moment. Recognize when you are feeling overwhelmed and accept that resistance, allowing you to shift from reacting impulsively to responding thoughtfully. This shift from reaction to response can empower you to take action and regain control.

For example, when stuck behind a slow driver, acknowledge your frustration and observe how it dissipates.

2. Recognize that your stress is rooted in the future. Your anxiety stems from imagining a negative future. By staying present and focusing on the now, you can manage your stress more effectively.

3. Envision a positive future. Visualize a better future scenario and work backward to understand how your current situation is leading you there. This exercise can help you cultivate gratitude and purpose, reducing stress in the process.

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By practicing these reframing techniques regularly, you can train yourself to respond to stress more effectively and prevent it from becoming overwhelming. With a proactive approach to managing stress, you can maintain a sense of calm and control in challenging situations.

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Amy Eliza Wong is a certified executive coach with over 20 years of experience helping individuals live and lead with purpose. She provides transformational leadership development and internal communication strategies to executives and teams globally. Her latest book, Living on Purpose: Five Deliberate Choices to Realize Fulfillment and Joy (BrainTrust Ink, May 24, 2022), offers valuable insights into living a purposeful life. Learn more at
