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Pokemon Slime | Nanny Anita



Activities & Days Out / 6 May, 2024 / Nanny Anita

Originally I had planned to do a St. Patricks themed slime, but EC came home from school and was showing me all his new Pokemon figures, so I thought rather than doing a St. Patricks one we should do a Pokemon slime one instead! EC was overjoyed at this new idea (he is into everything Pokemon).

Make sure you follow my slime board on Pinterest for more ideas, and don’t forget to save the pin for later.

We have used this recipe before, which you can find here, and I personally think that it makes the best slime. The finished product is just like silly putty.

You will need:

  • 1 4oz pot of Elmer’s Glue*
  • Shaving foam **
  • Optrex Eye Drops***
  • ½ tsp. of Bicarbonate of Soda
  • Food Colouring
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spoon
  • Zip lock bag

* If you are using ordinary PVA glue then you will need 118mls (which is the equivalent of a 4oz pot).

** The shaving foam is optional; if you do use it make sure that it is a foaming one and not a gel.

*** The eye drops need to have boric acid in. I have found that Optrex has it in. You can pick up a small bottle from Boots.

To begin with empty all the glue into your bowl and add ½ tsp. of bicarbonate of soda. If you are making a bigger batch you will need to add ½ tsp. of bicarbonate of soda for every bottle of glue you add.

Mix it together and then add 5-10 pumps of shaving foam. Again mix this all together.

Slowly add a few drops of the Optrex at a time. Keep adding little bits until the mixture doesn’t stick to your fingers.

It should feel like a giant marshmallow.

Separate some of the slime into another bowl and add some red colouring into it. Then keep kneading it until all the slime has turned red.

As I said at the beginning, this is my favorite type of slime; it is so satisfying to play with. EC and I were using it to try and make Pokaballs with and then try and capture his Pokamon with.

Pokemon slime

Looks like we managed to catch them all.

To store your Pokemon slime keep it in a zip lock bag or an airtight container.

Pin for later:

pokemon slime. Got to catch them all!

See also  Where to get Cut in Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
