Capcom has announced Onimusha Way of the Sword, a new entry in their beloved action series. Onimusha Way of the Sword is in development for Windows...
Microsoft’s Recall Feature Raises Privacy Concerns Microsoft’s latest Recall feature has sparked privacy outrage due to its AI-based Windows surveillance capabilities. Despite promises of improved privacy...
The political landscape in the Middle East is shifting, with potential significant consequences. For the last four and a half decades, the Revolutionary Islamic Government in...
When is the King’s Christmas Speech this year? The annual Christmas speech delivered by a reigning monarch is a cherished UK tradition that has been celebrated...
In a bid to fuel the growth of India’s regional aviation industry and make air travel accessible for all, the Government of India launched the UDAN...
Sold all my stuff and headed south. Again. Car? Gone. Furniture? Gone. Storage unit? Nope. I’m down to what fits in one suitcase (plus a closet...