Nintendo has announced that Donkey Kong Land has been added to the Nintendo Switch Online lineup of classic games. Originally released in 1995 for the Game...
The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and the United States’ Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have released updated intelligence on the activities of the...
You know what a smartphone is and most likely what an iPhone is. But you might not know what it means when someone refers to Android....
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses lawmakers in the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, in Jerusalem. File photo | Photo Credit: AP Israel and its allies expressed strong...
Are games consoles lacking excitement these days? Many feel that way. They seem to lack the whimsy and eccentricity that they once had, with the...
32 Apple recently addressed two zero-day vulnerabilities affecting its Intel-based Macs. Alongside releasing the fixes, the firm also confirmed detecting active exploitation of the flaws, urging...