Nintendo has announced Nintendo Switch Online is adding several classic Sega Genesis titles to its growing roster of classic games. The subscription-only platform of classic games...
Embarking on the journey of building a smart home can seem overwhelming and expensive if you’re unsure of where to begin. Luckily, Black Friday offers some...
The holiday season is here, along with the final Mercury retrograde of the year. Mercury, the planet of expression and communication, goes into retrograde in Sagittarius...
In a House of Lords debate focusing on large language models and generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), Tina Stowell, chair of the Lords Communications and Digital Select...
A woman takes a photographs of her friend during heavy snow fall in central Seoul, South Korea, on November 27, 2024. | Photo Credit: Reuters The...
Air India urination case: SC suggests authorities to modify guidelines for unruly air passengers The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the authorities to consider modifying the...