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No Man’s Sky Worlds Part 1 update 5.1.1 out now



No Man's Sky Worlds Part 1 update 5.1.1 out now

Hello Games has released a new patch for its latest major No Man’s Sky update, Worlds Part 1, addressing issues raised by the community. The update addresses issues such as players becoming invisible, worlds becoming infested which destroyed settlements, and crash issues related to planet rendering.

No Man’s Sky Worlds Part 1 update patch 5.1.1

  • Fixed an issues that caused the player to become invisible after jumping and shooting.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to be positioned 50m off the ground when riding some synthetic lifeforms.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some planets to become infested, resulting in a loss of any settlements on that world, and in minor terrain shifts. The infested status of planets has been restored to how it was pre-Worlds. Newly infested planets will become un-infested, and previously infested planets will be restored as such.
  • Fixed a crash related to planetary rendering.
  • Fixed a rare rendering crash.
  • Fixed a rendering hang.

The Worlds Part 1 update is a near universal refresh for No Man’s Sky. The overhaul of water and cloud rendering has been comprehensive. Water now operates on a mesh system, enabling the creation of more realistic waves and foam, while cloud coverage in the sky differs between planets and respond to weather conditions. Rain will not occur without sufficient cloud cover, and wind patterns and storm effects on flora and fauna will be more true-to-life.. The variety of skies, influenced by the colours of day and night, will reflect the unique atmosphere of each planet. The universe of No Man’s Sky is now sprinkled with new frozen, lush, desert, scorched, radioactive, and toxic worlds.

Hello Games will continue to update No Man’s Sky, addressing bugs and also work on the development of Worlds Part 2, as well as the procedural adventure game Light No Fire.

Source: Hello Games

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