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Nanit’s Predictive Parenting Ecosystem | Nanit Baby Monitor



Parenting / 20 August, 2024 / Ellie Thompson

Did you know? Thanks to new tech, Nanit’s predictive parenting, Nanit families get an average of 36 nights of sleep more than those who do not use Nanit technology.

Nanit’s award-winning products can now be paired to unlock Predictive Routines, which intuitively mines data from Nanit’s Pro Camera to trigger behaviour-based routines on its companion Sound + Light Machine. It’s a frictionless approach to tech-based parenting that harnesses the power of AI and personalised data to ease the mental load of parenting, and it’s billed to be the first of many more predictive tools to come.

Nanit’s Predictive Parenting: more independent sleep for little ones

Tech-savvy parents are going to love Nanit’s new gadgets. Their newest update pairs their Nanit camera with a Sound + Light device to offer an AI-predictive parenting experience that can minimise parental intervention at night from birth to six years and upwards to encourage independent sleep.

From soothing sleep to smart alarms, Nanit’s Predictive Parenting ecosystem has been designed to make it easy to rise and shine.

Set + forget smart routines that trigger based on your Pro Camera insights. ‘Okay to Wake’ is Nanit’s first predictive routine. The Pro Camera recognises when the toddler wakes and sits up, triggering an auto-generated Predictive Routine on the Sound + Light machine that turns the device red to signal to the toddler that it is not yet time to rise. When it’s ok to wake, Sound + Light will turn green and signal that the day can begin, giving you a few more minutes to start your day.

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Sound and Light: The Perfect Pair

The Sound + Light device is a great add-on to the Nanit camera. It’s a super clever smart sound machine, offering a variety of white noise and nature sounds that can soothe your baby to sleep. There’s a customisable nightlight, so you can adjust the brightness and colour to create the perfect sleep environment for your little one – all with the ability to control these features remotely via the app means, so you can make important or last minute adjustments without disturbing your baby.

Connected home

The Sound + Light Machine is now compatible with Google Home, so you can expand your smart nursery ecosystem and enhance convenience and connectivity in your home.

AI Predictive Parenting: A Game Changer?

The app provides real-time alerts and predictive insights based on your baby’s habits and routines. For example, it can predict when my baby will likely wake up, so you’re always one step ahead.

The AI insights and predictive features offer a level of support and reassurance that traditional baby monitors can’t match. While Nanit comes with a higher price tag than some other monitors, the benefits they offer in terms of improved sleep, real-time insights, and overall peace of mind are well worth the investment.

Nanit Pro Camera RRP £299. Sound + Light Machine RRP: £99.99.


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