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Instagram partners with schools to prioritize reports of online bullying and student safety



Instagram partners with schools to prioritize reports of online bullying and student safety

Instagram has introduced a new school partnership program to streamline the handling of moderation reports from verified school accounts.

This program is currently open to all middle and high schools in the U.S., allowing them to report any posts or student accounts that may breach Instagram’s guidelines directly to the platform. These reports will be given priority for review, with schools being informed of the actions taken.

The initiative aims to assist educators in reporting potential safety issues involving teenagers, such as bullying, more efficiently.

Participating schools will display a “school partner” banner on their profiles to signify their participation in the program. Instagram will also provide educational resources with safety tips for educators, parents, guardians, and students.

Over the past year, Instagram has piloted the program with 60 schools and worked with the International Society for Technology in Education and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ISTE+ASCD) to develop it.

Other middle and high schools in the U.S. can join the program’s waitlist for future participation.

The launch of this program coincides with the advancement of the Kids Off Social Media Act (KOSMA) by senators, aiming to prohibit social media access for children under 13. The Senate Committee on Commerce approved the bill in February, and two related bills, the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), have been passed by the U.S. Senate.

In addition to this program, Instagram has implemented other measures to enhance online safety, such as introducing teen accounts for users under 16. These accounts are private by default, with restrictions on messaging, parental controls, and other safeguards in place.

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