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I think you’re all a bit too obsessed with Pokemon, because what do you mean a Charizard-shaped Cheeto is selling for thousands of dollars



I think you're all a bit too obsessed with Pokemon, because what do you mean a Charizard-shaped Cheeto is selling for thousands of dollars

The Pokemon craze is in full swing, with fans bidding thousands of dollars on a Charizard-shaped Flamin’ Hot Cheeto.

Pokemon has become a massive phenomenon that most of us have experienced in some form. For me, that time has passed, but I still enjoy the older titles and trading card game occasionally. However, I can’t wrap my head around why someone would spend over $4000 on a snack item that resembles Charizard.

This may seem like a satirical story, but it’s a real auction item on Goldin, the leading auction house for collectibles. The Flamin’ Hot Cheeto does indeed resemble Charizard, with all its features accurately represented. The seller even named it Cheetozard and framed it like a Pokemon card.

What’s baffling is the $4250 bid on this item, considering it’s a food item that could be up to seven years old. But to each their own.

For those of us who prefer less extravagant Pokemon experiences, a new Pokemon Presents presentation is scheduled for next week’s Pokemon Day. This event will likely showcase Pokemon Legends: Z-A, so be sure to tune in for more information.

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