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How to cancel Amazon Prime



How to cancel Amazon Prime

There are numerous benefits to subscribing to Amazon Prime these days, including free and fast shipping, bundled services like Prime Video, and access to exclusive deals on Prime Day. However, it can be challenging to cancel your subscription once you’re locked into the convenience of Prime’s services.

Whether you’re looking to cancel Prime for budget reasons, to support local businesses, or simply because you no longer need it, we’ve got you covered with easy steps to end your membership.


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How to cancel Amazon Prime

Using the Amazon website

If you subscribed to Prime through Amazon’s website, here’s how you can cancel your membership:

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Hover over the Account & Lists menu and click Account.
  3. Click on Prime.
  4. Under Manage, select Update, cancel and more.
  5. Click End membership and benefits.

Using the Google Play Store

If you subscribed to Prime through Amazon’s Android apps, follow these steps to cancel via the Google Play Store:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Select Payments & subscriptions.
  4. Click on the Subscriptions tab.
  5. Find your Amazon subscription and click Manage to access cancellation options.

Third-party subscriptions

If your Prime subscription is through a third party, such as your phone carrier, you’ll need to contact them directly to cancel. Keep in mind that if it’s a free perk, you may want to keep it active.

Lucy in Prime Video's Fallout.What happens when I cancel Amazon Prime?

After canceling your Prime membership, you can continue to enjoy the benefits until the end of your current billing cycle. Note that any services linked to Prime will also cease, so check for active Prime Video channels like Starz, Shudder, and Paramount+.

If you haven’t used any Prime benefits and wish to cancel, you may be eligible for a full refund of your latest bill.

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