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How To Achieve Amazing Success In Life



Do you ever feel like you have so many goals but no idea how to make them happen? That’s where the 90-90-1 Rule comes in the action.

I bet you have had it before. The million-dollar business idea that will change your life around. The side project that you can turn into a full-time business. Or the exercise and diet plan that will put you back into shape.

But you don’t do it. Either you tell yourself that you don’t have time. Or you lack the determination to stick to your plan. Things don’t work out in the end.

It happens to all of us, not just you.

We are constantly distracted by all the other things in our daily lives: meetings, emails, to-dos, never-ending tasks, and personal issues to handle.

It is difficult to stick to our plan, and it is challenging to maintain our momentum and work on the goal that we want to achieve.

The good news is that everyone has the power and the ability to achieve all their goals. If they know how to make things work.

The best part? Robin Sharma, the best-selling author of The 5 AM Club has a powerful and life-changing rule that can help you on this.

Sir Robin Sharma called it – The 90/90/1 Rule.

But before we talk about this rule, here’s what you need to know…

What is the 90-90-1 Rule?

90-90-1 is created by Robin Sharma, this simple rule can help you focus and get big results. It’s like having a secret weapon for success.

See also  3 Simple Steps to Reinvent Your Extraordinary Life

Robin Sharma explained the rule by saying…

“For the next 90 days, the first 90 minutes of your workday, focus monomaniacally on your single most valuable project. I call it your game-changing move. It might be creating a new piece of code that will revolutionize the marketplace. It might be a new product that, when you launch it, will fill a need within your industry that no peer is currently providing. I don’t know what your game-changing move is, but this is your poetry. This is your magnum opus for the next 90 days.”

Robin Sharma is a speaker who helps motivate people and is an expert in leadership. He wrote two famous books: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny and The 5AM Club

Why the 90-90-1 Rule Works

1. Focus on One Key Goal

I know life can get super busy, and I bet you feel the same. But when you try to do everything at once, it’s easy to feel stuck, right? That’s where the 90-90-1 Rule comes in. It helps me block out all the distractions and focus my energy on the one thing that matters most. When you do that, you’ll see how much more productive you can be. FOCUS is the key here.

2. Building Momentum

When I do something every day, it helps me get into a rhythm, and I know it can do the same for you. It’s like riding a bike—the more you pedal, the easier it gets to keep moving forward. Little by little, you’ll see your progress add up, and it’ll feel amazing!

3. Optimal Use of Morning Energy

I’ve found that mornings are when my brain feels fresh and ready to tackle anything, and I’m sure it’s the same for you. When you use that time for your most important work, it makes a huge difference. It’s like starting your day by putting your best foot forward before all the distractions take over.

90/90/1 Rule is A Game Changer

A picture showing the text 90-90-1 rule is a game changerDid you know it takes about 66 days to form a new habit? 

If you think it takes just 21 days to build a new habit, you’re mistaken. The idea of 21 days was first introduced by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon in the 1950s. He observed that his patients often needed about 21 days to adjust to their new appearance after undergoing surgery.

In 1960, Dr. Maltz published a book called Psycho-Cybernetics, which became a bestseller, selling over 30 million copies. This book influenced many personal development experts to adopt the idea that forming a new habit takes 21 days.

So, if it’s not 21 days, how long does it really take to form a new habit?

According to a study conducted by health psychology researchers at University College London, led by Phillippa Lally, it actually takes an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.

Lally’s research examined the habits of participants over a 12-week period, studying behaviors ranging from simple changes like “drinking a bottle of water with lunch” to more challenging ones like “running for 15 minutes before dinner.”

The study found that more difficult habits take longer to form, while simpler ones can develop more quickly. However, on average, it requires about 66 days to establish a new habit.

Now you know that it takes about 2 months to build a new habit. Which means to say that if you want to develop a new habit or action to achieve your goals, you need to stick to your plan for at least 2 months.

The 90-90-1 Rule is a total game-changer.

How to Apply the 90-90-1 Rule in Your Life

1. Identify Your #1 Goal

Choose one goal that is truly important to you—whether it’s starting a business, writing a book, or getting in shape. Apply the 90/90/1 rule to determine which goal will have the biggest impact on your life right now. That’s your #1 goal.

What is your number one goal in life?

  • If your top goal is weight loss, dedicate your first 90 minutes of the day for exercise over the next 90 days.

  • If it’s building a successful website or blog, focus your first 90 minutes each day on this goal.

  • For writing a book, spend your initial 90 minutes each morning on writing or planning chapters.
  • Learning a new language? Use the first 90 minutes for practice.
  • Mastering a skill? Study or practice for 90 minutes daily.
  • Improving finances? Research and plan for 90 minutes every morning.
  • Strengthening relationships? Connect with loved ones or plan activities for 90 minutes.
  • Starting a side hustle? Work on it for 90 minutes each morning.
  • Creating art or music? Dedicate the first 90 minutes to your craft.
  • Becoming healthier? Use the initial 90 minutes for meal prep or meditation.

2. Create a Morning Routine

Design a morning routine that revolves around your goal. Focus solely on this goal for 90 minutes without distractions like social media or emails. Make this time sacred and commit to working on your goal with full concentration.

Avoid any distractions, turn off your phone, and create a dedicated workspace. Your mission is to give 100% focus to your goal for 90 minutes each morning.

3. Track Your Progress

Monitor your progress by keeping a journal, using an app, or marking off days on a calendar. Seeing your advancement will keep you motivated.

The power of the 90-90-1 Rule lies in its focus on one goal for 90 days. By following this rule, you’ll spend 90 minutes daily working on your goal. Imagine the achievements you can make in this period!

What if 90 minutes is too long for you?

If 90 minutes feels overwhelming, consider adapting the rule to a 50/50/1 or 30/30/1 approach. However, sticking to 90 minutes is crucial for achieving transformative goals. Remarkable progress requires dedicated time and focus.

Extraordinary individuals achieve outstanding results by investing concentrated effort in their goals. They consistently improve, progress, and gain experience. To achieve extraordinary success, emulate their focused approach.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

1. Time Management Issues

If finding 90 minutes is challenging, adjust your schedule by waking up earlier or rearranging tasks. Treat this time as a non-negotiable appointment—it’s vital for your success!

If you’re a night person, consider working on your goal at night.

2. Staying Consistent for 90 Days

Set reminders, seek accountability from a friend, or reward yourself for milestones to stay consistent with your 90-day goal.

3. Overcoming Procrastination

Combat procrastination, a common obstacle to the 90-90-1 rule, by eliminating distractions and committing to your 90 minutes of focused work daily.


The 90-90-1 Rule is a transformative strategy. By dedicating the first 90 minutes of your day to your most important goal for 90 consecutive days, you’ll witness remarkable progress. Consistency, not perfection, is key. Give it a shot—one focused morning at a time—and watch your dreams materialize.

In our course, Goal Setting Formula, we delve into the 90/90/1 Rule. You’ll also learn how to create an actionable plan tailored to your goal for the next 90 days. Start your journey to goal achievement today!

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