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Here’s Why I Don’t Waste Time Arguing With My Teens Anymore



After years of parenting teens and facing emotional conflicts, I made a conscious decision. I chose to stop arguing with my teens.

Why? Because they always seemed to come out on top.

Arguments used to be a regular occurrence in our household. I noticed that our teens were quick to use harsh words to prove their point, but as an adult, I realized that engaging in the same manner could harm our relationship in the long run.

Why I stopped arguing with my kids. (Photo credit: Sky Kahn)
Why I stopped arguing with my kids. (Photo credit: Sky Kahn)

When I stopped arguing with my teens, their respect for me increased

By refusing to engage in arguments, I found that my teens began to respect me more. With practice and patience, I learned to avoid arguments altogether. This approach might also work for parents dealing with argumentative teens.

When our children were young, I taught them the value of discussing and debating ideas. We would have lively debates at family dinners on current events and controversial topics.

However, as they grew older, this approach backfired when they held strong opposing opinions. I realized the importance of balancing respect for authority with standing up for their beliefs.

I allowed my teens to face the consequences of their actions

Instead of arguing, I started letting my teens face the natural consequences of their decisions. This approach helped them learn from their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions.

Our disagreements no longer escalated into insults, and we were able to discuss passionate topics in a more peaceful manner.

I detached myself from the need to always be right

By detaching myself from the need to be right, I found that our disagreements no longer turned into fights. I allowed my teens to learn from their mistakes and take ownership of their decisions.

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Living in a constant state of conflict was not healthy for our family, and by choosing not to argue, our relationship improved significantly.

More Great Reading:

My Teens Began to Change When I Stopped Talking and Did This, Instead

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