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Democrats and allies to flood airwaves, drop more than $125M on abortion push



Democrats and allies to flood airwaves, drop more than $125M on abortion push

Democratic Groups Spend $125 Million to Make Abortion Key Election Issue

Democratic campaign committees, PACs, and aligned groups are investing over $125 million in battleground states to elevate abortion as a central election issue.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is launching a month-long ad campaign targeting Republicans in swing states to coincide with the second anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is holding vulnerable Republicans accountable for their anti-choice stance in New York and nationwide.

The ACLU announced a $25 million Voter Education Fund to support abortion and voting rights initiatives through various channels.

Abortion-related ballot measures are being supported in Arizona, Nevada, Montana, Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri, Florida, and New York.

House Majority PAC has allocated $100 million for a Reproductive Freedom Accountability Fund to bolster ad campaigns in critical swing districts.

According to the Cook Political Report, three Senate seats and eleven House seats are considered toss-ups in the upcoming elections.

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is urging candidates to address abortion on the campaign trail to improve the party’s image.

The FEC approved an advisory opinion allowing unlimited foreign funding for state-level PACs and nonprofits involved in abortion-related initiatives.

Colorado, South Dakota, and Florida have ballot referenda to expand abortion access, while advocates in other states are working on similar initiatives.

Only seven states have laws restricting foreign contributions to ballot initiatives, according to Ballotpedia.

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