Embarking on a dance course can seem daunting and time-consuming, but with the advent of VR (and MR), it doesn’t have to be. Recently launched by...
In today’s interconnected world, cyber security has become a critical component of statecraft and a core responsibility of governments. This responsibility extends to ensuring the safety...
110 The notorious SideWinder threat actor group has launched another cyberespionage campaign, this time targeting maritime facilities in a specific region. The success of the campaign...
Apple Unlike other streaming platforms, Apple TV+ doesn’t feature an extensive library of movies and shows from other studios; it loads up almost exclusively on originals....
Facepalm: Mandrake, a persistent cyber threat in the Android mobile ecosystem, has resurfaced with more advanced techniques to evade security measures. Researchers first discovered Mandrake-infected apps...
If you’re not ready to spend your first $100 on Quest games, don’t worry! There are plenty of free games, experiences, apps, and social VR platforms...
It became evident that the issue was not related to Microsoft’s Azure service, but rather a faulty update from a software provider called CrowdStrike. This update...
Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More Application security often gets sacrificed for speed...
1 Years after targeting Android malware, the seemingly dormant Mandrake malware reemerges with a sneaky campaign. Researchers found Mandrake quietly existing on the Google Play Store...
Sam Hill / DailyTech Love crossword puzzles but don’t have all day to sit and solve a full-sized puzzle in your daily newspaper? That’s what The...