Animation studio Science Saru has unveiled a new trailer for their SANDA anime, which is based on the popular manga series of the same name by...
A US legal patent, filed by Nintendo in July 2023 and made public on December 31 2024, has unveiled an intriguing new feature that could potentially...
Animation studio Elias has unveiled the initial trailer for the anime adaptation of Yandere Dark Elf, offering a glimpse into the upcoming series along with its...
CD Projekt Red has officially announced The Witcher 4 through the release of its first trailer, which features Ciri as the main character. The visually stunning...
Brendan Greene, the modder-turned-millionaire who created the popular battle royale game PUBG: Battlegrounds, has plans to develop his studio’s next game as a “metaverse”, although he...
Satelight and Staple Entertainment shared a new trailer for their Ubel Blatt anime alongside revealing a key visual for the new series, and more. The third...
It’s amazing how quickly 2024 flew by, and now we’re already in the new year of 2025. We’re halfway through this decade, and the first half...
The PlayStation Plus monthly games for January 2025 have been revealed, and Sony has kicked off the new year with Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League,...
This week, there were rumors of a new character announcement for Tekken 8, with a trailer hinting at Anna Williams. However, at the Game Awards, it...
Indie developer WFS has recently rolled out an update for Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space, their popular single-player JRPG playable on multiple platforms....