Dune Imperium is an exciting strategy game centered around dominating the spice trade on a desert planet known as Dune. Despite my lack of familiarity with...
Alpha Protocol the “espionage RPG” has made its return to Steam after being unavailable for several years. Initially launched in 2010, Alpha Protocol gained recognition for...
You may be familiar with Nintendo and its iconic character Donkey Kong, who has been featured in the DK rap and various video games. However, before...
No, this is not a drill (get it?). Pepper Grinder is finally out. If you are like me and didn’t allow this game to leave the...
Sony and developer Firewalk will be hosting an open beta weekend for their upcoming hero shooter Concord. Both an open beta weekend and an early access...
Payday 3 was released last year to negative reviews, as it lacked features and was plagued by bugs compared to its predecessor, Payday 2. One major...
Norwegian developer Arctic Hazard has announced Norse, an ambitious new viking turn-based strategy RPG for multiple platforms. Norse is in development for Windows PC (via Steam),...
Upon hearing about the Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition, I initially felt indifferent. The initial announcement didn’t catch my interest much. However, after playing the game,...
NIJISANJI has made the decision to cancel their upcoming 3D concert in Los Angeles. In a recent tweet, NIJISANJI announced the cancellation of the concert, despite...
Borderlands 3 free Epic Game Store The July 2024 PlayStation Plus monthly games have been revealed, and PS Plus subscribers – across all of Essentials, Extra...