The city of Mariupol in Ukraine was heavily bombarded during the initial months of Russia’s invasion in 2022, resulting in significant damage to residential buildings and...
Warner Bros. Japan has unveiled the first trailer for Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League, introducing character visuals for the upcoming movie. In this sequel to the...
The Dynamax feature from Pokemon Sword and Shield, although not very popular, seems to be making its way to Pokemon Go. It’s hard to...
hololive’s international fanbase received a delightful surprise as key members made an appearance at a recent American baseball event. Gawr Gura from hololive English, along with...
It’s a great time to be an RPG fan with so many great games out there. Metaphor: ReFantazio is on the horizon and could be the...
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance offers a unique gameplay experience where you can manipulate time and slice objects with precision. The game’s 3D models accurately bisect along...
Developer miHoYo has announced the next Genshin Impact update 4.8 is launching this month, bringing with it new characters and more. The new Genshin Impact update 4.8 “Summertide...
Years ago, when news started circulating that a live-action Pokemon movie was in the works, and it turned out to be a Detective Pikachu film,...
Arc System Works has announced a premiere time for Guilty Gear Strive: Dual Rulers, their new anime series based on the Guilty Gear franchise. The new...
Bandai Namco has announced the upcoming release of BLEACH Rebirth of Souls for PC, PS5, PS4, and Xbox Series X|S. While a specific release date has...