Shigeru Sagazaki’s popular light novel From Old Country Bumpkin to Master Swordsman is set to be adapted into a full TV anime series by the creators of...
SEGA has released a music video for Sonic X Shadow Generations, featuring a remix of Kingdom Valley Act 1 by Audissi Studios. Kingdom Valley, originally from...
In certain Terran lore, it is said that God created the universe in seven days. However, this morning, I managed to create a small suburban...
Discord has teamed up with virtual tabletop Roll20 to introduce D&D and other tabletop RPGs to the chat platform as new activities. Players can now enjoy...
Cut is not just the first hidden machine you gain access to in Pokemon Red and Blue, but one of the handiest. It allows your Pokemon...
I recently had the opportunity to watch The New Norm on X. Describing itself as “The South Park of X,” the pilot is the only thing...
Grinding Gear Games has recently updated the status of the Path of Exile PS5 native client development, which was previously announced a few weeks ago. Sony...
Removing a knight’s shiny dome with a halberd swing in medieval multiplayer melee Chivalry 2 is a gratifying act in gaming. Torn Banner, the developer, has...
D3 Publisher and developer Sandlot have announced they’re making adjustments to Earth Defense Force 6 and its online play requirements regarding the Epic Games launcher. “The...
When I first laid eyes on Lego’s latest video game themed set, kit #71438, “Super Mario World: Mario & Yoshi”, my initial reaction was a mix...