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Call of Duty Black Ops 6 The Tomb Easter Egg Guide



Call of Duty Black Ops 6 The Tomb Easter Egg Guide

Over the last month, we’ve had a crazy schedule and sadly had to put some things to the side that we normally enjoy. One said thing that took up a good bit of time was our playthrough of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. While we were previewing Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 received an update that included the release of the latest Zombies map, The Tomb. Within the first twenty-four hours, the Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies community was able to Solve The Tomb Easter Egg. Below are the steps to complete The Black Ops 6 The Tomb Easter Egg.

Before you can start The Tomb Easter Egg, you will need to unlock Pack-a-Punch first. In order to unlock Pack-a-Punch, you must open the Doorway to Nowhere. In order to get to the Doorway to Nowhere, you will need to go through either the left path or the right path. After spending 7500 (3 Doors) to get to the Subterranean Temple, interact with the glowing purple crystal on the pedestal. Interacting with the crystal will have you put down the amulet causing a red portal to open up on the adjacent wall.

With the Portal open, go through the doorway to nowhere and teleport to the Dark Aether Nexus. In the center of the map, you will find the Pack-a-Punch machine; the Pack-a-Punch machine will move every few rounds between the starting area and the Dark Aether. Once you have unlocked Pack-a-Punch, a voice line from Archibald should play. At this point, you will need to either craft or obtain the Ice Staff.

The Tomb Easter Egg requires you to build or get and then upgrade the Ice Staff in order to start The Tomb Easter Egg. You can check out our guides on how to build the Ice Staff or Ice Staff Upgrade here.

The Four Zombies Rituals

Vermin Ritual

After you have upgraded the Ice Staff, you will need to complete four zombie rituals (trials); these rituals can be a bit difficult, especially in the later part. For this step, it is advisable that you take an ally with you to complete it. Around the center of the Dark Aether Nexus, you will see four statues representing the Vermin, Parasites, Doppelghast, and Amalgams. You will need to complete each of these four rituals to progress. In order to start this process you will need to switch the Ice Staff to its healing mode (The Sekhmet’s Vigor); once the staff has been switched, shoot the Healing Orb at the Vermin Statue. Doing so will cause a Dark Aether Flame to appear on the Crystal.

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Interact with the Dark Flame over the crystal and go through the Blue Portal to go to the Dig Site (Spawn). At spawn, you will see that a Vermin statue has a purple beacon. Interacting with it will start the ritual causing a ton of Vermin Zombies to spawn. Kill all the spiders during the lockdown. After surviving 60 seconds, the lockdown should end and an amulet will glow over the vermin pedestal.

You will need to run the amulet back to the vermin statue in the Dark Aether; note that the door you came through will now be sealed and you will need to go through one of the other ones. While running the amulet back, its energy will dwindle; getting hit by zombies will cause the amulet’s energy to dwindle faster so you will need someone to protect the runner. If the amulet runs out of energy, you will need to start the process again.

Once you have reached the Vemin statue in the Dark Aether, interact with it to pass the Amulet’s energy to the Vermin Crystal.

Parasite Trial

Now that the Vermin Trial is complete, it is time to move on to the Parasite Trial. Again you will need to shoot the healing orb at the statue. Collect the Flame one again but this time you will need to go to the Shrine of Hierophants room (Stamina Up). Once in the room, interact with the Vermin Statue and start another Lockdown phase. This time, the phase will last for a minute and a half. During this lockdown, you will have to survive against normal zombies and Parasites. Once you kill the glowing purple Parasites, you will need to collect its refined energy and take it to the statue.

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Once you have collected enough energy, the lockdown will end. You will need to interact with the shrine to transfer the energy to the amulet once again. Like the previous step, the Yellow portal will be closed and you will need to go to a different portal to get back to the Dark Aether. Drop off the Amulet’s energy at the Parasite Statue in the Dark Aether to complete the Parasite Ritual. If you insert the energy properly, the pillar behind the statue will glow.

Doppelghast Trial

Just like the prior two trials, you will need to shoot the healing orb at the Doppelghast Statue. Once you have collected the Dark Aether flame you should head through the Green Portal to the Ossuary (Speed Cola). In the center of the room the shine will be little; interacting with the shrine will start the Lockdown and spawn Zombies. Unlike the other two lockdowns, you will need to avoid a purple laser and traps. Hitting these will cause you to take damage.

You must also eliminate the Doppelghast that appears in the room.

After completing the ritual, interact with the shrine to charge the amulet and bring it back to the Dark Aether. The quickest way to return is through either the Red Portal or the Blue Portal in the Digsite. Once in the Dark Aether, transfer the refined energy to the Doppelghast Statue to activate the beacon.

For the Amalgam Ritual, head to the Subterranean Temple and locate the Amalgam statue at the Deep Excavation Site. Interact with it to trigger a lockdown where you must defeat a named Amalgam (Tigholt). Be cautious as the Amalgam will have a protective shield that requires you to eliminate nearby zombies first before damaging Tigholt. Transfer the energy to the Amulet, return to the Dark Aether, and transfer the refined energy to complete the ritual.

With all four pillars lit, beams will connect in the center, creating a gateway to the Boss Fight, The Sentinel Artifact.

Prepare for the Boss Fight by stocking up on essentials like Juggernog, Speed Cola, Quick Revive, and perks. Upgrade your armor and weapons, with the ASG Shotgun being recommended. Gobblegums like Powder Keg, Insta-Kill, Temporal Gift, Phoenix Up, and Idle Eyes are also useful. Place the Sentinel Artifact on the podium to initiate a lockdown. In Stage 1, avoid the Sentinel Artifact’s laser attacks and eliminate zombies to make the Artifact vulnerable, then shatter its protective shield.

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In Stage 2 of the Boss Fight, hide in caves and defeat zombies carrying Sentinel Artifacts to progress. Repeat this process four times, facing different challenges with each round. Destroy the artifacts pointed towards the Doppelghast Statue first to prevent multiple Doppelghasts from spawning. In the next round, focus on destroying the artifact pointing towards the Amalgam Statue. In the upcoming round, you will face a Shock Mimic that needs to be defeated. Following that, in the final round, you will encounter a special Amalgam that must be taken down. Both of these enemies can be challenging to defeat, which is why Idle Eyes and Insta-Kill Gobblegums are crucial tools to have.

Once you have successfully defeated all four special zombies and destroyed their corresponding artifacts, the third and final stage will commence. It is important to proceed with caution during this stage to avoid failing the game.

During the final stage, all eight Sentinel Artifacts will redirect their lasers towards a wall to target another artifact. Failing to destroy this artifact in time will result in failure of the Easter Egg quest. To make this task easier, utilize Idle Eyes or Aether Shroud to protect yourself and focus on destroying the Sentinel Artifact. Explosive weapons are not effective against it, so using Ice Storm and Monkey Bombs may be necessary if other resources are unavailable.

If you manage to destroy the final Sentinel Artifact, it will reappear in the center with a special lens attached. Interact with it to initiate the final cutscene.

Congratulations on completing the Black Ops 6 The Tomb Easter Egg! You can now choose to continue playing or exit the match.

Below is a depiction of one of our successful completions of The Tomb Easter Egg. Please rewrite this sentence.
