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Bounce Arcade is Like VR Pinball for Your Fists—And Exactly the Kind of Creativity VR Needs to Thrive



Bounce Arcade is Like VR Pinball for Your Fists—And Exactly the Kind of Creativity VR Needs to Thrive

Bounce Arcade, set to launch this Fall, offers a fresh take on pinball and VR, showcasing gameplay mechanics native to the medium. It represents the early stages of VR-native gameplay mechanics.

All video games have roots in arcade games.

Not just games in large cabinets, but any game focused on fun mechanics rather than narrative or characters.

From Pong (1972) to Star Fox (1993), core mechanics have driven game development, leading to the complexity we see today.

It took 21 years to evolve from Pong to Star Fox, with games today still utilizing similar mechanics.

While traditional games have laid the foundation, VR introduces new mechanics that feel native to the medium.

Many VR games borrow too much from traditional gaming, missing the unique opportunities VR offers.

Games like Beat Saber and Gorilla Tag have found success by incorporating VR-native mechanics.

Bounce Arcade takes the concept of pinball and reimagines it for VR, offering a creative twist on the classic game.

The game is set to release on Quest in the fall, with details on pricing and additional platforms yet to be confirmed.

VR still has untapped potential for innovative gameplay mechanics, paving the way for more complex and immersive experiences.

Exploring and refining VR-native mechanics will lead to a new wave of games designed specifically for the medium.

Continued experimentation and innovation will drive the evolution of VR gaming, creating unique and engaging experiences for players.

For more insights on VR design and mechanics, check out the Inside XR Design video series.

See also  Getting Creativity Flowing with your Elementary Schoolers

Please rewrite the following sentence:

“The cat was lazily lounging in the sun.”

“The cat was leisurely relaxing in the sunlight.”
