Kawa Entertainment, a seller of anime merchandise that mainly focuses on indie VTubers and creator projects, received a three-page religious manifesto in the mail after a...
Away from the swirling sands of the Gerudo Desert, Zelda enters the solemn Ancestor’s Cave of Rest, prepared to mend the rifts threatening to disrupt the...
Baby / 24 October, 2024 / My Baba Preparing for the clock change can make life easier ahead of the clocks going back on Sunday, 27th...
Publisher Ysbryd Games and developer brlka shared new gameplay for Love Eternal, their unconventional horror platformer. Here’s an overview of the previously announced game, along with...
With the Navi Mumbai airport expected to begin operations in the first half of next year, the coming Diwali festive week would be the last of...
Among Ashes, a survival horror game developed by Rat Cliff Games, is set to be released on PS5 in addition to the already confirmed PC version....
As parents, one of the most important ways we can support our teenagers is by helping them navigate through challenges. These challenges can arise from various...
After spending an hour playing Balatro, I had a pleasant time but ultimately decided to uninstall it. I can recognize a trap when I see one....
Flights to and from the capital cities of India’s eastern states of Odisha and West Bengal, including Kolkata, will be suspended from Thursday evening to Friday...
Japanese developer Compile Heart has announced a Switch port for Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart, their chibi-fied strategy RPG spinoff game. Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart is coming...