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20 Tips to Help You Through The Midweek Slump



Feeling a lack of motivation as Wednesday rolls around is common for many of us. In this post, I will share 20 tips and habits that help me refuel my motivation midweek and keep me focused until the weekend arrives. I hope you find these tips helpful in making your Wednesday better.

1. Start small (or tiny).

If a task seems daunting, break it down into small, manageable steps. Taking just 5-10 minutes to complete each step can help you overcome procrastination and keep your motivation high.

2. Play music that boosts your energy / changes your mood.

Taking a 10-minute break to listen to upbeat or inspiring music can change your perspective and rejuvenate your motivation.

3. Compete in a friendly way (with others or yourself).

Turn completing tasks into a friendly competition to make them more fun. You can also challenge yourself to improve your speed while maintaining quality.

4. Remind yourself of what you are working towards.

Write down the top 3 reasons why you are doing your current work or tasks to stay motivated and focused.

5. Let the motivation flow from other people.

Read motivational books or watch videos from inspiring individuals to boost your motivation and energy.

6. Declutter and create a workspace that adds motivation.

Clean and declutter your workspace to improve focus. Add inspiring quotes, plants, or new wallpapers to keep yourself motivated.

7. Tap into gratitude for what you do have.

Practice gratitude by acknowledging the things you often take for granted. This can shift your mindset and increase motivation.

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8. Mix things up.

Change your routine by sitting in a new spot, listening to different music, or trying a new lunch option. This variation can renew your motivation and creativity.

9. Take a 3-minute meditation break.

Clear your mind and regain focus by taking a short meditation break. Focus on your breath for 3 minutes to alleviate mental clutter and tension.

10. Find the optimism.

Shift your perspective by finding the positives in a situation. Ask yourself what’s good about the situation and what hidden opportunities it may present.

11. Be kind to yourself when you have a setback.

Avoid self-criticism by treating yourself with kindness and compassion when facing setbacks. Imagine how a supportive friend or loved one would encourage you.

12. Learn from your mistakes and stumbles.

View setbacks as learning opportunities. Reflect on what you can learn from the situation and use it to grow and improve.

13. Compare yourself to yourself (instead of to other people).

Avoid comparing yourself to others and focus on your personal growth and progress. Celebrate how far you’ve come and the obstacles you’ve overcome.

14. Reduce that overstuffed to-do list to just one item.

Simplify your to-do list by focusing on one task at a time. This approach can prevent overwhelm and improve productivity.

15. Work out.

Exercise not only benefits your physical health but also boosts mental clarity and focus. Even a short workout can release stress and improve motivation.

16. Don’t skip your breaks.

Take regular breaks to maintain energy and focus. Skipping breaks can lead to burnout and decreased motivation.

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17. Look back at your successes (and let them wash over you for 2 minutes).

Reflect on past successes to boost your confidence and motivation. Allow positive memories to inspire you and propel you forward.

18. Start slow.

Begin tasks at a comfortable pace to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Working slowly and steadily can lead to better results and sustained motivation.

19. Remember what Michael Jordan said about failure.

View failure as a stepping stone to success rather than a setback. Embrace failure as a learning experience and a path towards growth.

20. Just get started (and let the motivation catch up with you).

Take action even when motivation is low. Getting started can lead to a natural increase in motivation as you progress through your tasks.

Want more Wednesday motivation? Check out 111 Motivational Wednesday Quotes for additional inspiration.

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