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Promises of Immersion Dulled By Restrictive Gameplay



Promises of Immersion Dulled By Restrictive Gameplay

Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom is a unique VR film hybrid experience for Quest, blending real-time rendered narrative with first-person gameplay to create an ‘interactive anime’.

While the concept is intriguing, the execution leaves something to be desired. The experience fluctuates between moments of engagement and passive viewing, making it a hit-or-miss for users.

Although Silver Phantom appeals to hardcore Gundam fans with its immersive mecha-filled world, it may not resonate with a broader audience due to its pacing and gameplay integration.

The film’s narrative and visuals are impressive, but the heavy reliance on traditional shot composition in VR limits the overall immersion. Additionally, the sporadic inclusion of first-person game mechanics can leave users feeling disconnected from the experience.

Despite the effort put into developing a two-hour narrative, Silver Phantom falls short of revolutionizing cinematic VR. The frequent camera switches and lack of focus on user engagement detract from the overall experience.

Ultimately, the replay value of Silver Phantom lies in its mixed reality wave shooter and gallery features, offering some entertainment beyond the main narrative.

If you’re a Gundam fan looking for a flashy experience, Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom is available on the Horizon Store for Quest 2, 3, and 3S.

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