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5 Life-Changing Success Advice I Learned from Tony Robbins



Tony Robbins is famous. And when it comes to personal development, he is one of the best out there you should learn from.

Over the years, I have read his books, attended his seminars, and learned a great deal about the science of achievement from him. And I want to share it with you. So, in this video, I’m going to share with you the 5 life-changing success advice I learned from Tony Robbins.

#1. Set Goals

We all know that success is intentional. There’s no way you can achieve great success without focusing on it. You have to understand that success is not created by accidents, but by design.

You can achieve anything you want, if you’re willing to set it as a goal, plan for it, and take massive action toward it. The problem is that most people have no idea what they want out of their life. They don’t have goals. And even if they do have goals, their goals are vague and unexciting.

Tony Robbins also said, “People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals – that is, goals that do not inspire them.” That’s right. Extraordinary people are able to accomplish outstanding success because they are excited about their goals and what they are going to do.

That is why they wake up each day feeling excited and motivated. They can’t wait to work on their projects and pursue their dreams.

What about you? Are you feeling excited about your goals? Do you feel inspired when you think about your dreams?

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So, the advice is clear. You can achieve anything you want in life, but first, you must set it as a goal. So, take a pen and write down your goals on a piece of paper. And constantly review them until you achieve them. If you want to learn how to set goals, read this guide.

#2. Do Something Different

That’s right, if you keep doing what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten. Therefore, if you want to change your life, you need to do something different.

The sad truth is that people who live in mediocrity refuse to change. They know that something isn’t right in their life, but they simply refuse to make changes.

You see, if you want to get to a new place, you must be willing to leave where you are right now. Sticking to your old habits and attitudes will not help you change anything.

You are where you are right now in your life because of who you are and what you’ve done.

Therefore, if you want a different result, if you want to change, you must do something different. Hence, always challenge yourself to venture out of your comfort zone. And be willing to do something different.

#3. Build Your Momentum

Momentum is important to everything you do in life. When you are making progress and winning, you feel good. And when you feel good, you want to do more.

And the more you do, the more results you get. And the more successful you become.

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On the contrary, when you are not making progress and are failing, you will not feel good about it. And when you don’t feel good, you take less action. And that leads to fewer results and less progress.

And eventually, you will become so down and negative that makes you want to give up on your goals and dreams.

So, do something every day to keep your momentum high. Read inspirational books, like Awaken the Giant Within or any other books that will make you feel great. Take small actions every day to create small wins that will make you feel good. And watch videos to motivate yourself. By the way, if you like what you read here, make sure to attend this web class from John Assaraf.

#4. Raise Your Standards

Just ask yourself, how committed are you toward your goals and dreams? Are you interested in achieving them? Or are you 100% committed to making them a reality? The truth is, unless you are 100% committed, you will most likely fail to achieve what you want.

People who have accomplished extraordinary success in life, people like Kobe Bryant, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, and many more, didn’t get there because they are lucky.

They achieved amazing success because they turned their shoulds into musts. They are 100% committed and they are willing to do whatever it takes to get the results they want. What about you? And when you are 100% committed, trust me, success will come to you. Read this guide and learn how to be more committed to success.

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#5. Just Start

Yes, no matter what it is you want to achieve, you must begin. If you don’t begin, you will never arrive. It doesn’t matter how small or how tiny your steps are, as long as you are making progress and doing something, you will eventually arrive.

The key is taking consistent action. If you cannot exercise for 30 minutes every day, just do it for 5 or 10 minutes each day. If you cannot create a video or an article per week, just do it once every 2 weeks or once a month.

Eventually, you will build the habit, grow the momentum, make consistent progress, and produce the results you desire. And that’s how success is created.

Read: How to Stick to a Goal or Plan and be Consistent for the Long Term


So these are the 5 success advice I learned from Tony Robbins.

What is one valuable lesson that you have gained from this remarkable individual? Feel free to share it in the comments section below.
