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21 Ways To Not Be A Dry Texter 



Ways to Keep a Text Conversation Engaging

Did you know that over 6 billion texts are sent daily in the United States?

What are we all saying to one another, and how do we find something interesting to say when we’re texting so often?

Some people hate texting, finding it difficult to measure someone’s responses without the visual cues of being together physically.

Other people find it provides valuable time and space to think about what to say.

No matter your opinion, you have probably been in painfully boring text conversations before.

To help liven up your messages, let’s look at the elements of a great text exchange and how to be a better texter.

What Makes Someone a Dry Texter?

Before we talk about the ingredients for an engaging text conversation, let’s talk about what makes a bad one.

Here are some of the top things that might make you a dry texter:

  • Giving short responses
  • Not reciprocating the interest or energy
  • Taking hours or days to respond to texts
  • Asking boring or cliche questions
  • Overloading someone with information or being too mysterious

See yourself in any of these? We have some solutions for you.

21 Ways To Not Be A Dry Texter

So how do you learn to have a great text conversation?

Consider using the following tips to help you learn how to stop being a dry texter.

1. Play Your Part in The Conversation

A good conversation takes two people, so you both need to make an effort! Don’t rely on the person you’re texting to make the conversation lively.

Understand that your responses are also a part of guiding the back-and-forth, even if you didn’t initiate it.

2. Avoid One-Word Responses

Nothing shuts a conversation down more than short, disinterested responses. It makes the other person feel like you don’t want to talk to them, and it’s exhausting carrying the weight of the conversation alone.

One-wording is at the top of the list when it comes to the rules of how to avoid dry conversations over text.

3. Respond Promptly

So much of being an engaging texter is showing that you want to be a part of the conversation. Part of that requires responding promptly to a text.

No one wants to wait 12 hours for a response; it makes them feel like you would rather be doing anything but talking to them.

If you don’t have time for a complete response, at least send a quick message saying you’ll get back to them shortly.

4. Don’t be a Cliche

Keeping a text conversation interesting involves asking icebreaker-type questions, but you don’t have to ask the same ones we’ve all heard before.

Instead, mix it up with unusual or unique questions that help you get to know one another on a deeper level. It also shows that you’re interested in the other person.

Start Strong

If you want to avoid a dry text conversation, consider starting off with something personal rather than a generic question like “How are you?” or “What’s up?”.

For instance, you could begin with a more engaging opener such as, “I saw your family photo on the boat. Have you ever been to Lake Erie?”

Share Details About Your Day

When getting to know someone through text, sharing exciting details about your day can spark conversation and show that you’re thinking about them. This could include unusual happenings, funny moments, or random thoughts.

Show Interest in Their Thoughts

While asking questions is important, remember to respond to their answers as well. Show interest through responses like “Wow!”, “That’s amazing, how did you get interested in that?”, or “What happened after that?”

Be Spontaneous

Sending a random thought to someone during your day can show them that you’re thinking of them and want to share your experiences. For example, “I just saw a dog wearing rainboots. I wish I could have taken a picture for you!”

Read The Signs

It can be challenging to gauge tone in a text conversation, but paying attention to how the other person responds can provide insight. If their responses are short or lacking detail, they may be upset or uninterested.

Follow Up on Past Conversations

As conversations progress, referencing past discussions shows that you’re attentive and interested in the other person’s well-being. Ask about their experiences with recommendations or previous conversations.

Be Playful

Conversation should be fun and engaging, so don’t be afraid to flirt or joke around, especially if you’re interested in someone romantically. Playful banter can help you both get more comfortable and understand each other better.

Take It Easy on the Shorthand

While text abbreviations are fine, using too many can be off-putting. Aim for good grammar, punctuation, and spelling to ensure clear communication.

Remember That Conversation Is a Two-Way Street

Engaging in conversation takes practice, but with effort, you can learn the skills of sharing and responding. It’s important to be invested in the conversation and consider the other person’s engagement as well.

How to Fix a Dry Text Conversation with a Girl

When texting a girl, it’s important to keep the conversation lively and engaging. If things start to feel dull, consider the following tips:

  • Bring up shared experiences to reminisce together.
  • Discuss juicy topics to spark debate.
  • Challenge her to games like “Would You Rather?” or “20 Questions.”
  • Send a flirty compliment or teasing joke, while maintaining respect.
  • Share adventurous experiences to show boldness and vulnerability.

By asking open-ended questions, actively listening, and sharing personal anecdotes, you can revive a stagnant conversation. If all else fails, consider suggesting a face-to-face meeting to rekindle the chemistry.

Final Thoughts

Becoming a skilled texter may take practice, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Stay engaged, have fun, and enjoy the art of conversation.

Can you please rewrite this sentence?

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