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20 Psychology Tricks That’ll Work on Anybody 99% of the Time (2024)



Interested in learning some simple psychology tricks?

These tricks can be incredibly helpful in various areas of self-improvement, such as communication, making a good first impression, advancing in your career, attracting and impressing others, and more.

What’s great is that these tricks are easy to implement in your daily life.

Each trick only takes a few seconds to use, so as long as you remember them, you’re all set.


20 Simple Psychology Tricks

We’ve compiled a list of 20 psychological tricks and tips that can be applied to anyone you encounter in your daily life. Pretty cool, right?

The best part is that you can start testing these tricks out right away.

Here are the top 20 psychology tricks:


20. Getting Information

If you have a friend who is hesitant to share their feelings or information with you, this trick is perfect for getting them to open up.

Ask them a question, and if they give a partial response or seem to be holding back, maintain eye contact and stay silent for a few seconds.

The silence and eye contact will make them uncomfortable, prompting them to share the information they were keeping to themselves.

So, stay silent for a few seconds, and they will likely continue talking.


19. The Snack-man

In a group setting or with one other person, if you sense conflict brewing, try this trick.

Start eating!

People who are eating tend to feel more comfortable and relaxed. Eating is a soothing activity that can help diffuse tension and conflicts.

Next time someone is upset with you, try eating something to help calm the situation. This trick was discovered when a person diffused a fight by stepping in between the parties while enjoying a slice of pizza.

He was nicknamed the snack-man.


18. The Stalker Detector

Ever felt like someone was watching you intently? Maybe you sensed their gaze on you?

To find out if someone was indeed watching you, try this simple psychology trick:


Make sure they can see you yawning. After you yawn, look at them. If they yawn in response, it confirms that they were watching you. Yawning is contagious.

Try watching a video of someone yawning and see if you do the same. Yawning is a great indicator of someone’s interest in you, like a crush.

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17. Destroying Ear-Worms

Ever had a song stuck in your head?

We’ve all been there…

The melody keeps playing on a loop in your mind, but you can’t remember which song it is! You end up wasting time trying to recall a trivial piece of information.

Here’s a simple psychology trick to solve this common problem.

Think of the end of the song, not the beginning or middle. Your mind tends to focus on unfinished or incomplete things, as per the Zeignark effect.

By thinking of the song’s end, your mind will consider it complete, and the loop will stop. This will free up your mind to focus on more important things.


16. Always Agreeable

Want people to agree with you easily?

Start nodding while you speak about the point you want them to agree with.

The action of nodding can make others believe what you’re saying is true, leading them to nod along and agree with you. This can be useful in situations where you need to make a positive impression, but use it judiciously.


15. Conversation Conditioning

This trick may not be as practical as others on the list, but it can be fun to experiment with.

During a one-on-one conversation, pick a word the other person uses frequently. Each time they say that word, offer a positive response like a smile or nod.

By associating the word with positive feedback, they are likely to use it more frequently. The effectiveness of this trick depends on the person’s interest in you.


14. Clearing A Path

When moving through crowded spaces, such as crowded places or busy streets, use this simple yet effective trick to create a path:

Focus your gaze in the direction you want to go.

Simply look where you intend to move without distractions. People will notice your focused gaze and naturally make way for you.

People tend to follow the direction of your eyes, allowing them to understand your intention and clear a path for you.

Give it a try!


13. Reducing the Risk of Conflict

If you anticipate potential conflict with someone in a group setting, sit next to them. It’s easier to express anger towards someone seated across from you than someone sitting beside you.

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Sitting next to the person creates a more personal and intimate setting, making it harder for them to confront you. Additionally, the physical positioning and turning required to address someone next to you adds a level of awkwardness and intimidation.


12. Rock Paper Scissors

Whether you play rock-paper-scissors for fun or to make decisions, here’s a psychology trick to increase your chances of winning (or at least predicting their move).

Before playing the game, ask your opponent a question. As you finish asking, immediately start the “rock-paper-scissors” sequence. They are likely to choose scissors in response.


11. Shoot for the Stars

When seeking something from someone, aim high in your initial request. Propose an amount or condition that is significantly higher than what you actually want.

After they decline your initial request (which they likely will due to the high offer), present your actual request. They are more likely to agree this time as they may feel guilty for turning down your first offer.


10. Being Memorable

This psychology trick can help you stand out and leave a lasting impression on others.

People remember the beginning and end of an interaction most vividly. The middle tends to blur together.

For instance, if scheduling an interview, aim to be first or last. On a date, choose the beginning or end of the day. During the date, make sure to make a strong impact at the start and finish.


9. Trust Mirror

To build trust quickly, subtly mirror the body language of the person you’re conversing with. Mirroring their movements subconsciously signals synchronization and fosters trust.

Ensure your mirroring is subtle to avoid coming across as insincere.


8. Learning Whilst Teaching

Teaching others is an effective way to reinforce your own learning. After studying and practicing information, teaching it to someone else can deepen your understanding.

The three-step process of knowledge involves researching and learning, practicing, and teaching. Teaching others forces you to organize and present information effectively, enhancing your knowledge retention.


7. Adrenaline Rush

Engaging in activities that induce an adrenaline rush, such as thrilling experiences, can create a sense of excitement and enjoyment in the brain. This can lead the other person to perceive a positive association with their time spent with you.

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6. Warm Hands

When shaking someone’s hand for the first time, ensure your hands are warm. Warm hands convey a welcoming and friendly introduction, making you more impressive and appealing to others.

Cold hands, on the other hand, can give off a negative impression during an introduction.


5. Eye Color

Maintaining eye contact is crucial in conversations and building connections. However, many people struggle to maintain eye contact, especially when speaking.

When talking to someone, make an effort to notice their eye color. This will help you maintain appropriate eye contact without making the other person uncomfortable.


4. Laughing Admirers

When a group laughs together, individuals tend to glance at the person they feel closest to. This can help you gauge who enjoys whose company the most in your social circle or workplace.


3. Eliminating Haters

If you suspect someone doesn’t like you, ask them for a small favor like borrowing a pen. Most people find it hard to refuse such a minor request, and accepting it can lead them to view you more favorably.

By accepting a small favor, the person may realize that their negative perception of you was unwarranted.


2. The Great Listener

When a friend makes a statement, paraphrase and repeat it back to them. This demonstrates active listening and shows that you value their words.

However, avoid overdoing this technique as it may come across as insincere.


1. Fatherly Advice

When sharing information or advice with others, mentioning that it was advice from your father can lend credibility and authority to your words. People are more likely to trust advice given by a father figure.



Here’s a quick recap of the 20 simple psychology tricks that are effective on almost anyone:

  1. Getting information
  2. The snack-man
  3. The stalker detector
  4. Destroying ear-worms
  5. Always agreeable
  6. Conversation conditioning
  7. Clearing a path
  8. Reducing the risk of conflict
  9. Rock Paper Scissors
  10. Shoot for the stars
  11. Being memorable
  12. Trust mirror
  13. Learning whilst teaching
  14. Adrenaline rush
  15. Warm hands
  16. Eye color
  17. Laughing admirers
  18. Eliminating haters
  19. The great listener
  20. Take me seriously

Which of these simple psychology tricks have you tried? Share your experiences in the comments below.
