Life can feel overwhelming and stressful, leaving you feeling like you have no control. It’s like being a small ship on a turbulent sea. In such moments, focusing on deep breathing can help calm your body and mind.
Once you are calmer, it’s important to shift your focus to what you can control. This includes your actions, communication, priorities, boundaries, self-care, attitude, personal growth, and what you give and receive.
There are things in life that are beyond your control, such as other people’s actions, the past, the future, and unpredictable events. Understanding what you can and cannot control can bring clarity and reduce stress.
Here are some tips to help you take control of what you can:
1. Keep in mind why it’s essential.
Remember that you have limited time and energy, so it’s important to focus on what you can control. Create reminders to help you stay on track.
2. Question the situation you’re in.
Ask yourself if the situation will matter in the long run, if it’s your responsibility to resolve, if you can control it, and how similar situations have played out in the past.
3. Find what you can do about it and take action.
Identify small steps you can take to improve the situation and break them down into manageable tasks. Taking action, no matter how small, is key.
4. Keep moving forward.
Create a plan to address the situation and keep progressing towards your goals. Use the momentum you’ve built to take control of your life.
5. Reminder: there’s always some part you can control.
Even in situations that seem out of your control, focus on what you can influence, such as your reactions and attitude. Use the list of controllable factors for inspiration.
6. Consider what and who you let into your mind.
Avoid sources of negativity and surround yourself with positivity. Set boundaries to protect your mental well-being.
7. Don’t push self-care away to “someday.”
Prioritize self-care, even in challenging times. Exercise, relax, and find things to look forward to in order to recharge and maintain a positive outlook.
8. Know how to say no.
Saying no is important to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs. Focus on your reasons for saying no and keep your responses brief and kind.
9. Learn how to let go.
Release thoughts and situations that are out of your control to free up energy for what truly matters. Accept your feelings and talk about them to gain perspective and move forward.
10. Make gratitude a daily or weekly habit.
Cultivate gratitude to shift to a more positive mindset and focus on the things you can control. Use gratitude journaling or reflection to appreciate the positives in your life.